Wonuts & the first day of the rest of my life

I have just been alerted to the fact that waffle donut hybrids exist and can be had at the Waffles Cafe in Chicago. While this is wonderful, because donuts with the slight chewy and crispy texture of a waffle just goes so well with the sweetness of a donut (think cruller; those are my favorite types of donuts!) it is also terrible because I haven’t been to Chicago in years, I’m really bad at saving money, and I won’t be able to go until I have both money and time. And as the last semester of my undergraduate life is starting today, I may not have time until months from now, let alone money saved up.

Oh. Today’s the first day of the last semester of my undergraduate life.

Oh dear.


Let’s hope this is the last semester, and I start my real adult life soon after *crossesfingers*.